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Synchronicity of Spirit

Welcome Home to the new Synchronicity of Spirit web site. This is your spiritual community without walls; without limitations, barriers or exclusions. We hope that you enjoy your visit today, and return often to share your growth in Synchronicity!

Lets begin by sharing what Synchronicity means in general, and how the power and joy that comes with synchronicity of spirit can so easily be achieved in your life.

Whether you realize it or not, it is a grand Synchronicity of Spirit that you are reading this right now. So, welcome friend. Please come in and explore and experience for yourself, the power inherent in the Synchronicity of Your Spirit; Soul, Mind and Body, ecstatically resonating as One. Here you will meet The Elestials. These vast and loving angelic entities speak through Victoria and send their healing, transformational frequencies embedded miraculously into the loving messages you receive in your personal psychic reading.

This site is a gift of love and truth, inspired by the many wonderful members who have been doing the Synchronicity of Spirit work for nearly ten years. As Victoria knows most of you on a one-on-one basis, she is pleased to now provide a format (a home) where all members, friends and newcomers, as well as those who simply have a casual interest can interact, share, and celebrate together. This is an interactive site. Please feel free to take part in our blogs, arrange for personal readings and healing sessions with Victoria, and to keep in touch with upcoming publications, workshops and retreats, all held on the magnificent Puna coast,Big Island, Hawaii.

We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!

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